Nashvillians have strong feelings about hackberries, one of the most common trees in our area. But despite their troublesome reputation, hackberries can offer many benefits in the landscape.
Read MoreTrees and other plants all have soil preferences; some are better in more acidic soils, others in alkaline. Read on to learn why you should test your soil pH before planting.
Read MoreWhen planning your yard, it’s important to choose trees that work for your needs. Learn how shorter trees can contribute to a high-performance landscape.
Read MoreMore than two years after the Cherrygate incident provoked widespread outrage, Metro Council is moving toward passage of a tree bill that would strengthen protections for trees on public property.
Read MoreSassafras trees in Nashville and Middle Tennessee are under threat from Laurel wilt, a fungal disease that skipped across hundreds of miles and reached our region sooner than expected.
Read MoreTrees play a major role in cooling the environment, and they can make a big difference in your home cooling costs as well. Learn how you can benefit from a shade tree!
Read MoreThe Chestnut Group, a Middle Tennessee alliance of outdoor painting enthusiasts, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with an art show and sale June 25-June 27. The group has raised more than $500,000 for local conservation organizations since its founding in 2001.
Read MoreIf you have a newly planted tree, perhaps from the NTCC’s tree sale, read on to learn the steps you can take to be sure that you’re not overwatering your sapling this summer!
Read MoreThe mayor’s proposed budget for next year includes funding for several new employees to plant, maintain and protect trees on city property.
Read MoreLearn how to transplant a volunteer-growth sapling from one spot in your yard to another. It’s an easy way to add another tree to the neighborhood canopy!
Read MoreTo remove trees from a business or multi-unit dwelling, it’s necessary to secure a permit from the Metro Urban Forester. Read on to learn how this process works!
Read MoreAlthough 17 trees will be removed in preparation for the Music City Grand Prix auto races in August, NTCC worked closely with the mayor’s office to seek a solution that would minimize impact and maximize tree benefits for the city.
Read MoreThe Bradford, or Callery, Pear tree is an invasive species in the United States and is spreading across Tennessee. Learn why this species is causing so much damage!
Read MoreCicadas will be visiting Wilson County and eastern Davidson County, but Nashville should be clear for 2021. Read on to learn why 2024 will be another story!
Read MoreUsing fencing to protect the soil around a tree is an important way to protect a tree’s root system when construction activities are happening. Here’s why.
Read MorePruning a tree keeps it safe and healthy, but must be done in a knowledgeable way to avoid damage so it will continue to produce the benefits we enjoy.
Read MoreRead on for how vines can be a problem for the health of a tree since they block air and light from the bark, which can make the tree unhealthy, weaker, and more prone to accident.
Read MoreThe Nashville Tree Conservation Corps is excited to welcome Emily Thompson as our new Executive Assistant.
Read MoreThanks to the more than 150 volunteers who planted trees on Saturday for the Shelby Avenue Arboretum, a project developed by the Nashville Tree Conservation Corps.
Read MoreColder seasons of the year are the best times to plant a tree in Nashville. Learn why low temperatures are vital for a young tree’s root growth and future stability.
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